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Buying A Franchise Resale

One thing you can be sure of when you decide to look at buying a franchise resale is that there is always a good selection of existing businesses for sale and our dedicated website has dozens of franchise resales available at various price points, head over to to see what’s available now.

Franchises are available for a variety of reasons including:

1) The franchisee has run the business for a while and simply wants a change rather than commit to another 5-year term – this is very common and many owners are happy to discuss someone else buying a franchise resale that they own.
2) The franchisor and the franchisee don’t agree with the direction the brand is taking – this may or may not be an issue for you.
3) The franchisee wishes to sell to release capital for something else
4) The franchise is profitable stable and doing well, and the owner thinks this is the right time to realise it’s full value
5) The franchise isn’t working for the franchisee – but it might do for you
6) The franchisees personal circumstances have changed, maybe through a divorce, or a partner’s work situation, or the arrival of a young family etc etc and the business no longer fits with their situation.
7) The franchise is failing and the owner has lost the will to fix it – in which case a new owner is often the only fix required
8) Some franchisees have found their skill set isn’t ideal for the business and need to do something else
9) The Franchisee wishes to retire
10) The Franchisor owns the franchise and wishes to appoint a franchisee to run it

In any event, a good business works in all areas and can become a valuable asset that you too will sell on at some point. The key point is that although you’ll often pay more than for a startup you will be straight into cash flow from Day 1, with clients and a reputation already earned.

Franchise Resales are a great way to acquire a business and we can also help you with raising capital and also recommending an experienced solicitor to advise you and check everything is done correctly.

Buying a Franchise Resale – Contact

Feel free to contact us at any time by calling our phone 01274 662001 or send us an email via our contact page.